Last week I commented that I believe Western expats are a dying breed and that the modern generation is not equipped for Expat living. Expat living can give you an incredible outlook on life. It can show you the world’s wonders, and if you are lucky like me, you can finally find your life partner….
Carrot and Stick
The Carrot and Stick feature image for this post is “Europe 1916” by Boardman Robinson. Anti-war cartoon depicting Death enticing an emaciated donkey towards a precipice with a carrot labelled “Victory.” The whole “carrot and stick” narrative is intergenerational and will never end. We have all heard our grandparents talk about “the youth of today”…
Leaderships Seven Deadly Sins
We have all heard of the seven deadly sins. If you are a regular churchgoer, you probably heard and recited them more than others. You will probably also understand them more than most. While watching a few YouTube videos, I stumbled across a video on the seven deadly sins. Although I am in no way…
Leadership and 10 Traits to be Aware Of
Leadership traits to be aware of and not only avoid people with them but also ensure you do not develop these yourself! I have seen it time and time again where the guy on the shop floor will help anyone who needs it, they complain about bad management practices and swears blind that if they…
Mushroom Management
Mushroom management is maybe a term not so often used. However, most working people would have complained about having “Been treated like a mushroom” at least once in their career. So I can take a stab that most people will also understand that being treated like a mushroom. Is being kept in the dark, fed…
Core values of Leadership
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters What are leadership values? Core values of leadership are the main principles that will direct a team leader’s decision-making and ultimately provide the team’s direction. An effective CEO or leader will set out the values to shape the company culture and future initiatives. Once these have been defined and implemented, they…
Leadership and Management
Is there a difference between leadership and management? Some of you may agree that you “lead” people and “manage” things. Or is leading and managing a dynamic and symbiotic relationship? Admiral Grace Hopper coined the phrase, “You manage things; you lead people.” a military background tried and tested that phrase. This article looks at the…
The Power of Servant Leadership
The Power of Servant Leadership: Putting Your Team First is a concept that emphasises a leadership style focused on serving the needs of the team members and stakeholders rather than prioritising the leader’s interests. This approach is based on the idea that leaders should view themselves as servants first and foremost, working to support and…
Chain of Command
People who know me understand that the chain of command is the only management structure for me. It is the only management structure that has stood the rigours of time, proven itself robust, and I am confident will outlive any “woke” management system that falls out of the back of some student union bar somewhere…
Employing a Veteran
I decided to write this article based on the typical behaviour of the new entitled generation or “snowflakes” that are now in the workplace, giving managers like me a hard time. In my current role I am actively employing veterans and demonstrating the terrific benifits. I want to champion the benefits of employing a veteran….