The Carrot and Stick feature image for this post is “Europe 1916” by Boardman Robinson. Anti-war cartoon depicting Death enticing an emaciated donkey towards a precipice with a carrot labelled “Victory.” The whole “carrot and stick” narrative is intergenerational and will never end. We have all heard our grandparents talk about “the youth of today”…
Leadership techniques
Leadership and 10 Traits to be Aware Of
Leadership traits to be aware of and not only avoid people with them but also ensure you do not develop these yourself! I have seen it time and time again where the guy on the shop floor will help anyone who needs it, they complain about bad management practices and swears blind that if they…
Decisive Leaders
Decisive leaders seek out the appropriate information they need to make good decisions. Basically they have a broad understanding of the knowledge held by their team, colleagues, and leaders, henceforth this information helps them make faster and better decisions. Decisive leaders are generally quick to decide and slow to change their minds, decisiveness does not…