Fake it till you make it !!! This was never a term used when I was job hunting. In the 2000s when I left the military and was looking for my next career. The closest we ever came to this was rehearsing “buzz” words that we, as veterans, would try and drop into the interview…
It’s Lonely at the Top
Most of you will have heard the phrase “It’s lonely at the top”. But how many of you have considered if it is true or what it actually means? Some people will argue that leaders’ loneliness is due to self-imposed isolation. The higher you climb the corporate ladder, the more sparse the trusted relationships. Sometimes,…
Natural Born Leaders?
Natural born leaders, do they exist, or can they be made? Is this the only way to leadership, or can they be made? I am of the opinion that people are born with the ability to lead. Some will naturally grow and demonstrate their ability to lead, but others will need that extra push and…
Carrot and Stick
The Carrot and Stick feature image for this post is “Europe 1916” by Boardman Robinson. Anti-war cartoon depicting Death enticing an emaciated donkey towards a precipice with a carrot labelled “Victory.” The whole “carrot and stick” narrative is intergenerational and will never end. We have all heard our grandparents talk about “the youth of today”…
Operant Conditioning
Reinforcement in Modern Adult Education for Offshore working environments and why B.F. Skinners’ Reinforcement Theory and Foucault’s Panopticon effect are essential but challenging. Introduction Learning is a multifaceted process that has been and continues to be studied and interpreted from various perspectives across different disciplines. From psychological theories to educational philosophies, the epistemology of how…
Leaderships Seven Deadly Sins
We have all heard of the seven deadly sins. If you are a regular churchgoer, you probably heard and recited them more than others. You will probably also understand them more than most. While watching a few YouTube videos, I stumbled across a video on the seven deadly sins. Although I am in no way…
Leadership and 10 Traits to be Aware Of
Leadership traits to be aware of and not only avoid people with them but also ensure you do not develop these yourself! I have seen it time and time again where the guy on the shop floor will help anyone who needs it, they complain about bad management practices and swears blind that if they…
Nepotism in the Workplace
I would imagine Nepotism in the workplace is something everyone in the workforce has seen first-hand. Some have heard of it happening. You may have even been a victim of it. That time you have been overlooked for that position due to the boss’s friend or relative getting the job. The subject is very emotive,…
Decisive Leaders
Decisive leaders seek out the appropriate information they need to make good decisions. Basically they have a broad understanding of the knowledge held by their team, colleagues, and leaders, henceforth this information helps them make faster and better decisions. Decisive leaders are generally quick to decide and slow to change their minds, decisiveness does not…
Entitlement is a Disease
Entitlement is a disease sweeping through western liberal society. When or how it will end is anyone’s guess. With the entitled coming together and having entitled children, I do not see it ending soon. It is quite poignant that I am writing this article in the run-up to Remembrance Sunday. The reason you will see…